Prayers for the day of Ashura. 3 words that the Prophet recommended to repeat 100 times in the morning.


Although there is no text from the Noble Quran or Sunnah of the Prophet to assign a specific supplication on a day AshuraHowever, the commandment of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, cannot be ignored by repeating the best supplication in Ashura For those who fast and do not fast, may Almighty God answer Doaa on the day of Ashura، Therefore, the Academy of Islamic Research recommended that one be careful to pray in a day Ashura And repeating three words in the morning, when all human sins are forgiven, no matter how great, and that is what was narrated with the authority of the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace.

And «Islamic Research», on its official page of the social network Facebook, explained that these words that the Messenger of God ordered to pray and repeat every morning and evening, so that Almighty God forgives all your sins, are: “Praise God and praise of God, ”pointing out that – may God bless you. And salam- He recommended that I repeat it a hundred times.

He quoted what was narrated by Muslim and Tirmidhi and the women, from Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allaah peace be upon him: “Who said: When night comes: Hallelujah and praise, one hundred times , no one has come to Resurrection Day, better than him, Except someone said something like what he said or added.

He continued: Suhail narrated it about his father’s authority over Abu Huraira’s authority, with the word: “Whoever says when he is converted: Glory to God and praise him a hundred times, his sins are forgiven even if they were more than the foam of the sea. “.

Doaa on the day of Ashura
Although it was not proven in the hadith and the impact of the existence of a special supplication in one day Ashura However, it is convenient to repeat Sentence : “There is no god but God, the Great and the All Just, there is no god but God, Lord of the Great Throne, there is no other god than God, Lord of the heavens, Lord of the Earth and Lord of the Generous Throne.

And the plea: “Oh God, have mercy on you, please don’t tire me of myself with the blink of an eye, and arrange all my affairs for me, there is no god but you.” “O God, cleanse me from sins and sins, God cleanse me from them as He purifies white clothes from impurity.” “Oh God, purify me with snow, not with cold and cold water”, “God but You, Glory to You, I was one of the oppressors», “Oh God, I ask You to Praise You, there is no God but you alone. You have no companion in the Way, oh the most graceful of heaven and earth. What is the majesty and honor, oh living being, I ask you “Heaven and I seek refuge in you from fire.”

A prayer is written on the day of Ashura
In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, and may God’s prayers and peace be with our Master Muhammad and with his family and companions, Glory be to God, full of balance and the end of knowledge and amount of satisfaction and the weight of the throne, neither a refuge nor a deliverance from God except for Him, Glory to God, the number of full intercession and the number of his … May there be no power except in Almighty God, the Most High , and He is my convenience.

Oh God you release all the heartache and get out of the day Dhu Al-Noon Ashura Oh, who picks up Jacob on the day of Ashura, and you forgive David’s sins on the day of Ashura, and reveal Job’s sins on the day of Ashura, and hear Moses call on the day of Ashura O hear the call of Moses and Harun on the day of Ashura, oh Creator of the spirit of our Master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, your beloved and your chosen one on the day of Ashura.

And Oh Merciful of the world and of the Hereafter, there is no god but You, I satisfy my need in this world and the hereafter, and I prolong my life in your obedience, love and satisfaction, Oh Merciful, give me a good life and make me die for Islam and faith, O Merciful, and may Almighty God bless our master Muhammad and his family and companions and grant them peace.

Oh God, Mohsen, the abuser has come to you, and you have commanded him, Mohsen, to go beyond the offender, because you are the philanthropist and I am the offender, so go beyond how ugly I have with beauty of what you have. And his companions gave a lot to the Day of Judgment.

A complete prayer on Ashura
My God, how many things am I absent, so I witnessed and the benefits became easy, and the backbiting kept away from me, and my time in it without my knowledge, and there is no strength and power except through you, so thanks for that.

Oh God, how many things I was absent from, I took over and established my opinion, and you gave me acceptance, the students triumphed for me, the determination was strengthened and the help was tied, so thank you very much God and thank you, Lord of the Worlds, God bless the Prophet Muhammad, the illiterate, the satisfied, the pure, the blessed, the pious The loyal purgatory and the good family of Muhammad, as I prayed for Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, you are praiseworthy and glorious .

Glory to God and praise be to you, there is no god but you, I ask your forgiveness and I repent, you are my God, the subject of all complaints, and the end of needs and you have sent your creation to pray, and you have entrusted them to respond.

The prayer of the day of Ashura is answered.
Glory to you, there is no god but you, I ask you for the answer to the supplication, and thanks for the anguish and prosperity, Glory to God and praise to you, there is no god but you looked at the heavens above and tied his plates, Glory to you and you looked at the pillars of the two lower lands, then their diameters trembled, and I looked at their majesty in the seas And prestige for you, Glory to you, you are the living one, there is no god but you are blessed and transcendent about what they say the evildoers.
