Pornhub’s porn content website removes millions of videos


6:55 am

Tuesday 15 December 2020

London (BBC)

Pornhub, the porn site, has removed the majority of its videos, suspending all videos that could not be verified, amid a disagreement over the content it was offered.

Mastercard, one of the world’s largest payment service providers, withdrew its support for the site last week due to the scandal.

A New York Times report said the site contains many videos showing assaults on children and other related rapes.

Burnhub said its new measures are now stricter than any social media platform.

The move means that videos uploaded by certified partners, and those featuring specific members of their program to models, will remain online.

Most of the site’s content was uploaded by unverified users. Millions of videos have been removed from the show as a result of the new policy.

Pornhub also claims that it is run by organizations that want to eliminate pornography, rather than evaluating it on its merits.

“Because we are a platform for adults”
The final step builds on Burnhub’s previous efforts to address the controversy sparked by the New York Times report.

The website said it “suspended” viewing of the videos and did not describe them as deleted. He added that he plans to use the new system with regular users.

“This means that every piece of content on Burnhub is from approved users, a requirement that has yet to be implemented by platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, and Twitter,” the site wrote.

The site added: “It is clear that the purpose of pornhub is not due to our policies and how we compare ourselves to our peers, but because we are an adult content platform.”

Burnhub says the groups are “dedicated to eliminating pornography.” [و] Banning material they claim to be obscene “was behind their problems.

In its most recent annual review, Burnhub said it had 42 billion visitors to the site in 2019, and more than 6.83 million videos were uploaded, with a total view time of 169 years.
