“Please, stop … you are my lover with him for 13 years.” Tariq Al-Erian’s first wife attacks Asala


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Hala Al-Atal, Tariq Al-Erian’s first wife, criticized singer Asala’s reaction to posting a photo of Tariq Al-Aryan with Nicole Saffan and attacking him, saying: “This is the first time I was able to respond. What was my feeling?

He added in a post he wrote on his personal account on the social networking site “Facebook”: “He was more cruel than oppressed. Well, when you wrote to the family and my son was not there, what was his feeling?” Your children have a father, Ayman al-Dhahabi is alive and well, but my son only had one father, and sadly I couldn’t give details, so when we were trying to talk, your response was, uh, you see, harsh and not loving. with what you are now, the passport, love and ten in the details nobody can afford it. He knows, well I thought, one day, that a father can buy his son who is of his blood, and rejects injustice, so I thought that in the psyche of a child, it could be destroyed.

She continued, “Ok, now your kids are upset in the kasra, so do they talk to him? In the boys, and I have my right to defend my son, whose psyche was not sweet, from the intensification of the war against his father, enough, after the separation I wanted a continuation of you and our Lord is witnessing it, but this It is a part, the most important thing now are the children, enough defamation in Tariq, he does not betray himself and you I know this is very good and more important than the man now are the children, but, I do not distort the image, and he is free and you lived with him for 13 years and I lived for 10 years, and you did nothing of my life, because the most important thing was my son, not me, please, please, because Tariq is the best father in the world. With his children, and you know that well ”.

And Asala posted yesterday morning, Thursday, a picture of director Tariq Al-Erian, who was free with model Nicole Saffan, and commented on it, saying, “It’s the hardest movie. Was he on his feet and exuberant soul and soul … And the dear six whom you really thank for the best night of their stay? No, just a stimulus for injustice, denial and denial … the truth is all of you who know without what I tell you … the photo is not normal … and I cannot pass it because its details are ugly and hurtful that kill me to the point of safety that I tried to maintain the best I could .. and my father (Adam and Ali) is not what you do, not a human being, he is a defect ”.

This is the first time I was able to answer, the photo is hard for you, okay, when I was looking at a thousand photos and my son was not in it, you think my feeling was what …

Posted by Halla Elattal on Thursday ، Dec 24, 2020

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