Pfizer announces “good news” to the world about the Corona vaccine


The aforementioned vaccine is administered in two doses, 3 weeks apart, according to the US authority "It seems to protect against the virus after the first dose.".

She added that "Pfizer Corona vaccine is consistent with our recommendations", In an apparent indication of the imminent issuance of a permit for its distribution in America.

The American announcement is consistent with that presented by previous studies on the vaccine, which found evidence of "Partial protection against disease 12 days after the first dose."Although it takes two doses to get the maximum benefit.


The company stated: “We are ready to begin shipping initial doses after receiving an emergency use permit from the US Food and Drug Administration.”

He indicated that the United States government “has submitted an initial request to us to provide 100 million doses of the Corona vaccine.”

He added: “Any additional doses in excess of 100 million doses will be subject to a separate agreement acceptable to both parties, the US government and Pfizer.”

The company declined to comment “on any confidential discussions that may take place with the US government.”

In contrast, Pfizer stated that “Manufacturing teams work 24 hours a day to get the vaccine to the world quickly and fairly. “

And the US Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday that the effect of the Pfizer Corona vaccine “appears from the first dose.”

The aforementioned vaccine is administered in two doses, 3 weeks apart, but according to the US agency, “it appears to provide protection against the virus after the first dose.”

He added that “the Pfizer vaccine against Corona is consistent with our recommendations”, in an apparent indication of the imminent issuance of a permit to distribute it in the United States.

The American announcement agrees with that presented by previous studies on the vaccine, which found evidence of “partial protection against the disease 12 days after the first dose”, despite the need for two doses to obtain the maximum benefit from it.
