Performance of death | A doctor baffled the world with his spiritual experiences. He buried himself in the ground for 28 days and came out alive.


In 1897, the city of Tanta witnessed an exceptional birth, the fame of which later spread with experiences that no one had preceded, depending on “spiritual energy” until he was described as “the greatest magician in history”.

The Egyptian physician Taher Bey, whose mother died after his birth andThe father got into political trouble that pushed him to leave the country for Turkey and then Greece, and there is a “pure” lesson in medicine and he excelled in it, but his true superiority was due to his “self-knowledge, his strengths and weaknesses “, and his supernatural actions that no mind could understand or even believe him.

Coming back from the dead

Amidst opposition from the clergy, Tahir Bey received approval from the Greek authorities at that time, and several scientists and doctors came to observe “Taher Bey” buried himself for 28 days on earth and began to experiment Putting one hand on his chest and the other hand on the back of his neck, “Stand up” and squeezed hard, Until he fell into a total faint state and the doctors examined him to find that his heart completely stopped, so he put the body in the coffin and a piece of cotton in his mouth and the coffin was covered in sand.After 28 days, the body was removed from the coffin, and its color was closer to gray and stiff, and everyone thought that the experiment had failed, but after a few minutes, Taher Bey began to breathe again and within 10 minutes he returned. of the same as before to surprise everyone as if they were upside down. The bird.

Repeat the experiment

Taher Bey traveled after this experience to many countries in the world, including Italy, where some scientists tested the force and put his body in a coffin and threw it into a pool and after half an hour the police arrived and stopped the experiment, then the Egyptian doctor traveled to France and did the experiment again in France for a whole day.

Summon kings

Taher Bey became famous all over the world, so King Fouad and other kings invited him, and in Cairo the journalist Paul Brunton met with Taher Bey to verify these experiences, and asked him about the secret of these experiences, and he replied: Recognize the tremendous capabilities that we all possess. People who consider this experience Some kind of magic is wrong, these things are scientific, subject to the spiritual laws of nature that are not fully understood. “

Other experiences

Taher Bey conducted many other experiments, in front of scientists and journalists, which included placing a large stone on his body with the help of others and hitting it with a large hammer until the huge stone broke harmlessly. This experience to find it intact and no damage is mentioned, to pass over the embers of the fire, control the blood flow and heal wounds in a timely manner, and hypnosis for birds and animals, were some of the experiments that Taher Bey carried out. also in the eyes and ears of many scientists.

The novelist John Canning narrated in his book “The Strangest Tales of Magic” that Taher Bey did not see that he was a wizard as some imagined him, but believed that anyone could do what Taher Bey does, that he knew the secret.
