Penalty of up to 12 games .. Messi receives his first red card


Barcelona captain Lionel Messi received a historic red card during the match between his team and Athletic Bilbao, yesterday Sunday, in the final of the Spanish Super Cup.

Athletic Bilbao won the Spanish Super Cup at the expense of Barcelona after winning (3-2) in extra time.

Messi attacked Bilbao midfielder Asier Villalibri, without the ball, during one of the Catalan club’s attacks in the last seconds of the second extension of the 120th minute.

The most famous referee, Gil Manzano, was the direct red card in the face of the Argentine star, after he reconfirmed Messi’s assault on the Bilbao player, using video technology that confirmed the Catalan captain’s assault.

The red card that Messi received during the final of the Spanish Super Cup is a historic card in the Argentine star’s career, as it is the first in Messi’s history with Barcelona.

Messi received the red card for the first time with the Barcelona shirt, after playing 753 games with the Catalan club’s first team.

Messi had been sent off on 3 previous occasions, as he received the first red card of his career in his first game with the Argentine team against Hungary, and received the second red card in his history when he played for Barcelona’s second team in a match. against Peña Sport in 2006..

And he received the third red card with the tango team against Chile in the Copa América 2019, after his attack on Gary Middel, the player of the Chilean team.

The Argentine flea may be subject to sanction in many matches, for being sent off for attacking an opponent without the ball.

According to article 98 of the Discipline Law of the Spanish Federation, Lionel Messi can be sentenced to 4-12 games after being expelled if the disciplinary commission considers that he has committed a serious offense.

But according to the report by Gil Mazzano, the match referee, the sanction can be light, it can range between one and three games, and the sanction can be applied in the Copa del Rey and the Spanish League.
