Pasha filed for bankruptcy, the end of one of the biggest brothels in Europe


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The 10-level “pasha” is a landmark in the German city of Cologne.

One of the largest brothels in Europe has filed for bankruptcy, after being damaged by anti-seizure measures imposed by Germany.

“We have reached the end,” Armen Lubescheid, manager of the 10-story Pasha House, which is one of Cologne’s most famous landmarks, told the local Express newspaper.

Prostitution has been banned in North Rhine-Westphalia since the virus outbreak.

Typically 120 sex workers work at “Pasha” and it has around 60 employees, including cooks and hairdressers.

Lobeschild criticized the handling of the epidemic crisis by the German authorities, especially the lack of clarity on when to return to business.

Every two weeks, he said, authorities told them they couldn’t go back to work.

He added: “We cannot plan this way. We could have avoided bankruptcy with the help of the banks, if they had promised us to start over early next year.”

People continue to sell sexual services during the pandemic crisis, but without paying taxes, Lopcheid said.

“Pasha” made headlines in 2006 after being threatened by a group of Muslims against the backdrop of an advertisement posted on the side of the building, which displayed the flags of 32 countries participating in the World Cup, including Iran. and Saudi Arabia, along with a half-naked woman.

There were concerns that closing legally licensed brothels would put sex workers at great risk by being forced to work in secret.
