Osama Hosni: Egypt’s next striker, Mustafa Mohamed, and this is the will of Abdel Wahab


Osama Hosni, the former Al-Ahly star, confirmed that what Zamalek’s player Mustafa Mohamed is offering is only the beginning for the next Egyptian striker, and I hope that Walid Azzaro will return to Al-Ahly again.

The former Al-Ahly forward, during his interview with Ahmed Shoubir Ali, journalist for On Time Sport, said that Mustafa Mohamed benefited greatly from the loan period that gave him the participation and experience that made him shine with Zamalek and the team. Olympic, but I think it’s just the beginning of the next striker, who should wear it.

Under the authority of Walid Azzaro, Osama Hosni said: Al-Maghrabi is a distinguished attacker who reaches El-Joun in a very fast way, but is awkwardly dealt in front of El-Joun, causing him to waste many easy targets, and I hope to return to Al-Ahly.

The Al-Ahly forward added that Senegalese Alliot Badji had reassuring signs and needed plenty of time to prove himself, which is promising material, adding that the loan period benefited Al-Ahly stars like Ammar Hamdy, Mohamed. Sharif, Akram Tawfik and Ahmed Rayan.

And about Ramadan Sobhi, I hope he stays with Al Ahly after his performance has evolved, and he just needs to work on himself in front of John, like Liverpool star Mohamed Salah did.

Hosni revealed: “The death of Muhammed Abdel-Wahab in the field during training is one of the most difficult moments of my life two days earlier. He was affected by the death of a friend of mine, whom I met, saying that when I die I want may you continue my decisions, Surat Maryam, as a constant charity in my soul. ” Read it and invite it. “

Hosni continued that the interest of the Portuguese Manuel José, the former Al-Ahly coach, in the Angolan Amadou Flavio affected my participation in the team.

It continued, that José Habib was demonstrating his vision of Flavio’s capabilities, and was playing alongside Imad Miteb, which affected my participation in the team.

He explained that although my participation was small but it was very impressive, I always recorded and the finals were Al-Saad Alia High, like the Egypt Cup final against Zamalek 4/3, I scored two goals and changed the result in favor of Al -Ahly, despite wasting the easier opportunity.
