One of them is gay. 5 options that reflect “pluralism and diversity” in the Biden administration


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The transition team of US President-elect Joe Biden announced Tuesday that it has nominated former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg to the post of Minister of Transportation in his next administration, becoming the gay prime minister in the history of The United States of America.

Pete Buttigieg, a 38-year-old American politician, an active member of the Democratic Party, who has been elected to the office of mayor of his city since 2012, declared his homosexuality in 2015, and was then re-elected again to the same position and received more than 80 % of votes and continued in office until 2020.

Buttigieg ran for the US presidential election this year, but withdrew in early March, also to be the first gay person to launch a major election campaign in the United States.

Pete Buttigieg is the first gay person to hold a cabinet position in America

Joe Biden’s choice of “Bottega” is an affirmation of his politics that is based on diversity and pluralism, as the president-elect’s government included several models that reflect the policy that his administrations pledged to adopt from the beginning. Biden expressed his confidence in all members of his government, saying: “They will bring the world together to face our challenges that are not second to none.”

Al-Masry Al-Youm lists the most prominent symbols of diversity in the Biden government.

Kamala harris

The 56-year-old woman has recorded her name in history for being the first woman to hold the position of vice president in the United States of America, in addition to being the first brunette American woman of Asian origin, to hold the second highest office in the world. country.

Biden indicated, during a television interview, his confidence in “Harris” and his vision of her as the best person to assume the presidency after him, for various reasons, which are “his values ​​and the intensity of his intelligence and that it is very strict and its principles, which he described as sublime, in addition to his experience in leading the Ministry of Justice in one of the largest states in America. ” .

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden – file photo

Rima Dudin

Rima Dudin is among the new hires in the White House, having assumed the position of Deputy for Legislative Affairs in the White House.

“Dudin” is of Jordanian origin. She is the granddaughter of Mustafa Dudin, former Minister of Social Affairs in the Wasfi al-Tal government, and was a former Jordanian ambassador to Kuwait.

Therefore, Rima Dudin is the first Muslim girl of Arab descent to hold office in the White House, having held various positions in the Democratic Party.

Rima Dudin – stock photo

Avril haynes

The President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, elected Ms. Avril Haynes to serve as Director of National Intelligence, becoming the first woman to hold this position in the United States of America.

Avril Haynes is an American attorney and former government official, born in 1969 in New York and, according to her new position, will play an important role in the national security of the United States of America during Biden’s transition, overseeing the presidential information process. Intelligence.

Avril Heinzel – stock photo

Anthony Blinken

Anthony Blinken was one of the first names to announce that the president-elect of the United States was chosen to serve as Secretary of State in his new administration.

Anthony Blinken is an American government official, born in 1962 to Jewish parents, and studied law at and graduated from Harvard University, working in his field of study for a period after graduation, then became involved in the field politician in the United States of America and progressed through various political positions to his current position.

It’s worth noting that “Blinken” is Jewish and the son of a Holocaust survivor, so he has an affiliation with Israel. In an interview he gave to “The Times of Israel” and reported by “timesofisrael”, he spoke about the next administration’s commitment to Israel’s security and said that it could review a large arms deal to the Emirates as part of maintaining the quantitative army of Israel.

“One of the things that really shaped his support for Israel and its security throughout his career is the lesson learned from the Holocaust,” Anthony Blinken said previously, referring to the victims of Nazi Holocaust persecution.

Anthony Blinken – stock photo

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