Onajem is seeking offers from the Gulf … and electricity as a mediator of the transfer agreement from Obama to Al-Ahly


A source revealed that Mohamed Onagem, the Zamalek team player, asked Karim Al-Balk, his agent, to seek him out for offers from the Gulf during the winter transfer period next January to leave the White Castle ranks.

The source said that Onajem had filed a complaint against Zamalek for 500,000 euros in arrears, but the matter was resolved amicably.

The source explained that Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, received Tunisian international Ferjani Sassi, a player from the Zamalek team, today to discuss the renewal of his contract.

The source said: “Ashraf Sobhi assured Ferjani Sassi that his presence is a popular demand for the Zamalek club,” noting that the club is not suffering from a financial crisis as is often reported, stating that Ferjani has an offer from the Qatari club Al Duhail plus many offers from Emirati and Saudi clubs.

The source added that Youssef Ibrahim Obama, player of the Zamalek team, has a serious offer from the Al-Ahly club to move to the Red Genie during the next period, noting that Kahraba is mediating for Obama’s move to the ranks of Al-Ahly and held a session with Sayed Abdel Hafeez, Al-Ahly club football director, to get his opinion on moving to Al-Ahly club. The red team.

The source added: “Kahraba is trying to convince Obama of the idea of ​​playing for Al-Ahly club for the next term, and the player is delaying the renewal of his contract with Zamalek.”
