Officially, the Spanish League ends the controversy over the payment of the penalty clause in Messi’s contract



Officially, the Spanish League ends the controversy over the payment of the penalty clause in Messi's contract


The Spanish Football League issued an official statement to respond to what was recently released by the Spanish media about the expiration of the deadline for breaching the value of the penalty clause in Lionel Messi’s contract with Barcelona.

“After reviewing Messi’s contract, it was clear that the player had to pay the value of canceling his contract (700 million euros) if he wanted to leave FC Barcelona,” La Liga said in its statement.

La Liga stressed that the only way to sign Messi for any other club is by paying the penalty clause.

The statement explains: “The contract is currently in force and contains a penalty clause if Messi decides to leave early and terminate the contract unilaterally, in accordance with article 16 of Regulation 1006/1985, which regulates the special employment relationship of athletes professionals”.

The League concluded its statement: “In accordance with the applicable regulations, and the necessary procedures are followed in such cases, the League will not carry out any transfer of the player, if the player has not previously paid the amount mentioned in the penalty clause.”

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It seems that the association’s statement came in response to a report published by Spanish radio “Cadena Ser”, in which it stated that Messi, whose contract with Barcelona expires in 2021, will not be forced to pay 700 million euros if wants to leave the Catalan club immediately.

The radio indicated that Messi’s last contract with Barcelona, ​​which he signed in 2017, provides that the player will be linked to the club for only 3 seasons, in addition to an optional fourth.

He explained that Messi’s contract with the Catalan club ends in the 2019-2020 season, and in the event that the 33-year-old striker decides to leave before this date he will have to pay the value of the penalty clause.

He added that Messi is allowed after the end of this season to terminate the contract for free, before entering the optional season (2020-2021).

He added that the penalty clause does not continue to restrict Messi during the final season of his contract with Barcelona, ​​and that supports the position of the Blaugrana icon in asking for a free start.

Source: Agencies
