Officially … the British government agrees to resume the English Premier League on June 1


The British government agreed, on Monday, to return the Premier League competitions “Premier League” from June 1, according to the English newspaper “Daily Mail”.

The newspaper said the government has given the green light to resume competitions in the Premier League and other major sports starting June 1, but not to allow any fans at all stadiums.

The newspaper added that fans are not expected to be allowed in the stands until a vaccine for the Corona “Covid 19” virus is found.

Today, English Premier League clubs are meeting via video conference to further discuss their proposed plan for the re-contest project after a two-month hiatus due to the spread of the dangerous Corona virus.

The Premier League competition has been suspended since March 13, but the English Premier League intends to resume without fans next June to complete the season.

Liverpool’s professional team, within their ranks, leads the Egyptian star Mohamed Salah, the English league leaderboard, with 82 points, 25 points ahead of its closest competitors, Manchester City, the runner-up with 57 points , after 29 rounds, and before stopping due to the Corona virus outbreak.

The League League Clubs issued an official statement last week saying: “It was agreed that the Players League, that players and coaches are the key to the return process and will be consulted about it, our priority is the health and safety of the Players, coaches and club staff, we are currently studying the first steps. And training will not be returned unless it is under the direction of the government and under medical supervision and after consultation with the players and coaches. “
