Officially … modifying the touch of hands rule in football


The Council of the International Federation of Football Associations (IFAB) has modified the handball rule, declaring that an involuntary handball that causes a teammate to score a goal will not be considered an error.

The decision was announced on Friday after a huge debate over the cruel cancellation of the targets.

A statement read: “Since the interpretation of ball-to-hand contact incidents was not always consistent due to improper application of the law, members emphasized that not every ball that touches a player’s hand / arm is a violation. “.

He added: “An involuntary hand that leads to a teammate scoring a goal or having the opportunity to score a goal will no longer be considered a violation.”

Lawmakers stated that umpires “must continue to use their judgment” about the position of the player’s hands and arms when the ball hits them.

These changes will take effect from the first of July next, but they can also be implemented before this time.

The IFAB paved the way for the use of the five substitutions until the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. The two additional changes were allowed due to pressure from the parties caused by the Corona virus epidemic.
