Officially, an investigation was opened with Ronaldo



Officially, an investigation was opened with Ronaldo


Italian Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora announced the opening of an investigation by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office against Cristiano Ronaldo, the star of Juventus Football Club.

Ronaldo caught the new Corona virus “Covid-19” in the middle of this month, after his return from the camp of the Portugal team to be isolated.

And Vincenzo Spadafora said in statements to the Italian press on Sunday that Ronaldo did not respect the medical protocol that will be applied to him once it was confirmed that he was infected with the virus.

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The minister added: “No one is exempt in case of contagion with the Coronavirus, it is clear that there are many who are trying to respect the protocol, but the only solution to not spread the epidemic is to stay at home.”

“There is an investigation that the Attorney General’s Office has opened to prove this,” said Vincenzo Spadafora.

Ronaldo denied what the Italian minister said that the Portuguese had violated the protocol and returned from his country to Italy with the virus, to confirm that the player had arrived in Turin on a medical plane and did not communicate with anyone.

A public dispute broke out between Cristiano Ronaldo and the Italian sports minister in the middle of this month, after they indirectly accused each other of lying about whether the Portuguese star had violated health regulations.

And Vincenzo Spadafora announced that Cristiano Ronaldo likely violated health protocol by joining his country at a time when his Italian team, Juventus, was in quarantine, after two cases of the Corona virus appeared among club employees, and then a new time after returning to Turin after being infected. With the new Corona virus and entering a period of isolation.

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The Portuguese star responded to the Italian Sports Minister that he had adhered to all the procedures followed in such cases, and said through his official account on the “Instagram” application of his home in Turin, where he is isolating himself despite the absence of symptoms in him: “One of the gentlemen here in Italy said that I will not mention his name. I did not comply with the rules, and this is pure invention. I followed all the protocols and I will continue to comply and my conscience is clear … everything what I did was authorized. “

Doubts are mounting about the possibility of Cristiano Ronaldo joining his team, Juventus, against his guest Barcelona, ​​scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday, in the second round of the Champions League, after it was revealed that the swab made by the ‘Don’ last Saturday, in order to determine the degree of his recovery from the epidemic, As confirmed by the Italian newspaper “Tuttosport”.

Source: Agencies
