Official statement .. The Egyptian Ministry of the Interior intervenes in the Zamalek crisis after the removal of Murtado


Official statement .. The Egyptian Ministry of the Interior intervenes in the Zamalek crisis after the removal of Murtado

The Egyptian Interior Ministry revealed that a security source stated that invitations to meet in front of the Zamalek Club circulated on some Internet pages, in opposition to the Egyptian Olympic Committee’s decision to punish the club president.

In an official statement, the Interior Ministry warned against any meeting in front of the gates of the Zamalek Club, following the decisions of the Olympic Committee on Mortada Mansour, highlighting that it will decisively take any violation of immediate legal procedures.

The decision of the Olympic Committee to suspend Counselor Mortada Mansour, President of the Zamalek Club, from practicing sports for a period of 4 years in addition to paying a fine, generated great controversy in the sports community, especially after the president of the Zamalek Club confirmed that he did not recognize this sanction.

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The Egyptian Olympic Committee threatens Zamalek by Mortada Mansour

For its part, the Olympic Committee approached the Ministry of Youth and Sports to activate the decision to dismiss Mansour, president of Zamalek, and the work of an emergency general assembly on October 30 to elect a new president of the Zamalek club .

For his part, Mansour held a meeting with the Minister of Youth Sports Ashraf Sobhi, in order to discuss the decision of the Olympic Committee and ask him to intervene to stop the decision to suspend it for a period of 4 years.

It should be noted that the sanction imposed by the Olympic Committee also included not approving the representation of Mortada Mansour of the Zamalek Sports Club in front of others and the judiciary in relation to the club, in addition to not approving any meeting, general assembly or board of directors of Zamalek Sports Club while the moratorium lasts, otherwise the club will be exposed. For dissuasive sanctions.

Source: “Egyptian media”
