October 18 … The Administrative Court considers the case of Mortada Mansour against the decision of the Olympic Committee


The Judicial Administrative Court of the Council of State has set the session on October 18 to consider the lawsuit filed by Mortada Mansour, president of the Zamalek Club, demanding that it suspend the decision issued by the Egyptian Olympic Committee, in which the Egyptian Olympic Committee required to the direction of the Zamalek Club to summon a general assembly to elect a new president for the club. To replace Mortada Mansour, who has been suspended from any sporting activity for 4 years.

The application, no. 2015 for the 75 judicial year, was concluded by the Minister of Youth and Sports and the Executive Director of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and Hisham Hatab, President of the Egyptian Olympic Committee.

On October 4, the Egyptian Olympic Committee had forced the management of the Zamalek Club to convene a general assembly to elect a new club president, instead of Mortada Mansour, who was suspended from any sporting activity for a period of 4 years .

The statement of the Egyptian Olympic Committee on the complaints filed against the president of the Zamalek Club was as follows:

The Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee met today, Sunday 4-10-2020, to consider the result of the investigation into the complaints presented by the president of the Al-Ahly Club, the former president of the Zamalek Club, the alternate and members of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club, the Egyptian Football Association and the head of the referee committee. The main team of the Egyptian Football Association, the Egyptian Handball Federation and a number of sports figures, all of whom are affected by the insults, slander and insults of the president of the Zamalek club to them and the sports institutions that They represent, using the Zamalek satellite channel, which he directed from his sports role, as well as social networks. .
