Normalization: Removing Sudan from the Terrorism List a Diplomatic “Success” or an American “Hoax”?


  • Media monitoring section
  • BBC

Sudanese and Arab newspapers reported that US President Donald Trump announced that Sudan was officially removed from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, after Khartoum transferred $ 335 million to Washington as agreed compensation.

Several writers and newspapers were optimistic about this step as a “diplomatic success” attributable to Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok and his transitional government, seeing it as a prelude to Sudan’s return to the international community and the revival of its troubled economy.

Others considered that the price for removing Sudan from the American “blacklist” is normalization with the State of Israel, and that if Trump is sincere, then there are demands he must make on Sudan, otherwise it would be considered a “hoax” On the part of American politicians, the Sudanese government did not understand.

‘Diplomatic success’

The Al-Rakobeh newspaper says that Sudan is preparing “to take measures that would reactivate the crisis in the country, relying especially on possible debt relief of more than 60 billion dollars.”
