No vaccine before mid-2021


Source: Dubai –

With several countries anticipating the release date of the desired Corona vaccine, with the growing number of infected people, the World Health Organization came out with a disappointing statement for millions around the world.

On Friday, the World Health Organization announced that it does not expect large-scale vaccination campaigns against Covid-19 until mid-2021, noting that it will not adopt any vaccines that are not shown to be safe and effective, with preparations for the distribution of a vaccine in the United States and another in Russia.

“As you know, a large number of experimental vaccines have now entered the third phase of trials. We know that at least 6 to 9 experimental vaccines have already come a long way in the research stages,” said WHO spokeswoman Margaret. Harris at a press conference in Geneva.

He also added: “But in terms of a realistic schedule, we really don’t expect the vaccine to be delivered on a large scale until the middle of next year.”

He explained that stage 3 clinical trials, that is, the intensive testing phase in volunteers, take time, as scientists must verify whether the vaccine is effective and safe.

On the other hand, the director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said in a briefing via hypothetical: “The World Health Organization will not endorse an ineffective and unsafe vaccine.”

Many drug company managers pledged for their part on Thursday not to be complacent and uphold “safety” standards in the race to produce a Covid-19 vaccine, despite sometimes urgent calls to prioritize speed.

But “the good news,” according to Harris, “is that manufacturers are already betting on the potential vaccine and are already thinking about how to increase vaccine production once we know which vaccine will be used.”

In the United States, the country most affected by the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have asked several states in the United States to do “urgently” what is necessary to prepare possible vaccine distribution centers so that they are in fully operational on November 1, two days before the presidential elections.

And in late August, US President Donald Trump promised a vaccine “this year” against Covid-19.

Sumya Swaminathan, chief scientist at the World Health Organization in Geneva, told reporters this week that the organization worked with experts from around the world, including the US Medicines Agency and the European Medicines Agency, to ” suggest standards “for the safety and efficacy of potential vaccines.

“We would like to see a vaccine that is at least 50% effective, and higher efficacy is preferable,” he said.

In addition, a preliminary study published in the British medical journal “The Lancet” showed that the Corona virus vaccine is in development in Russia, the most recent immune response and without serious side effects, and this was confirmed by the Russian government a month ago , but without publishing your data.

Russian Sputnik-5 vaccine (France Press)Russian Sputnik-5 vaccine (France Press)

But these results have not yet shown that the vaccine effectively protects against the emerging corona virus.

Notably, the new Corona virus has killed at least 869,718 people since it appeared in China in December, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse on Friday at 11:00 GMT, according to official sources.

The United States is the most affected country in the world, with 186,806 deaths, followed by Brazil with 124,614 deaths, then India, which registered 68,472 deaths, Mexico, where it announced 66,329 deaths, and the United Kingdom with 41,527 deaths.
