No conversation is faster than the second wave: Crown in Egypt: 4 strains … and different symptoms


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There is no talk of it rising above the new emerging corona virus (Covid-19) mutation and its terrifying speed of spread globally, until everyone in Egypt feels the real danger, and every family is around the corner. corner of the infection with the virus, whose vaccines are still in the first steps, including The Chinese vaccine, which the Ministry of Health has established several conditions and categories to take it first. What is interesting is that temperature, which was one of the most important indicators of virus infection, is no longer a basic symptom and is replaced by extreme fatigue and weakness, in addition to respiratory symptoms.

According to Dr. Ayman El-Sayed Salem, professor and head of the chest department at Kasr El-Ainy, Cairo University, the emerging corona virus (Covid-19) currently includes 4 strains in Egypt, and the size of the virus controls the severity and difficulty of the symptoms resulting from the infection, explaining that the Corona virus family includes approximately 7 sisters, the last of which is “Covid-19”, which closely resembles the symptoms of influenza.

Salem told “Your health in the world”: “With regard to the symptoms of contagion in the second wave of the Corona pandemic, according to the injured and the recommendations of the World Health Organization, there are mood swings, with severe fatigue and weakness, and must be accompanied by respiratory symptoms, to diagnose the patient who is infected with the virus, with Emphasizing that the injury is not usually accompanied by the problem of insomnia, on the contrary, a patient with Covid-19 usually increases his need to sleep, as a result of the extreme exhaustion suffered by the injury. And “the infection may not be accompanied by a rise in temperature, as was common in the first wave, as confirmed cases of the virus were detected and its temperature did not rise.

Salem emphasized that adequate rest, fluids and sleep are factors that help boost the body’s immunity, explaining that the focus has been on treating the virus through blood plasma, antibodies, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

And he warned about the state of laxity and lack of attention to medical instructions to prevent the virus, in order not to penetrate the middle of the Egyptians and the occurrence of a humanitarian catastrophe, adding that infection with respiratory viruses is expected to increase. , either with the Corona virus or others in the winter season, because these viruses are active in times of cold.

Dr. Ayman Al-Sayed Salem explained that the Chinese vaccine has proven to be 86% effective in preventing Corona virus, as it was based on the traditional technique known for more than 90 years, denying that the vaccine causes swelling, and that swelling where the vaccine was received is normal for various vaccines. There is usually a local reaction for a day, due to the introduction of a new vaccine, along with another symptom of high fever.

He stressed that there is no objection to vaccinating people with chronic diseases (pressure, diabetes, asthma and allergies), with the Chinese vaccine, which are groups that are at risk of increasing the complications of Corona virus symptoms, but they have acute roles Like a casual asthma attack, they must first wait for it to end, and those who have already been infected with the virus can be excluded. Because their bodies have produced antibodies, after they have contracted what is known as a “controlled infection” within the body, it is explained that those who take the vaccine should not have a high fever.

Salem revealed that so far, no major defects of Corona vaccines have been detected at the small time level, specifically over the course of 3 months of scientific research on the matter, noting that the global percentage of Corona deaths ranges from 2 to 5%, and global expectations indicate that the virus will be eliminated. 60% of the world population is receiving the vaccine or those who have been infected with it, and have already been cured, since antibodies against the virus are produced in their body, which is called “herd immunity”, and they have immunity against infection again, so the goal of the world’s population when giving them the vaccine is to exclude those most vulnerable to infection, such as the elderly and medical workers, and those who have previously been infected and recovered from the virus.

The professor of respiratory diseases explained that, coinciding with the onset of winter, there are similarities in the symptoms of the Corona virus, and seasonal influenza, but the latter is an acute viral infection caused by one of the influenza viruses, and its symptoms They start with a runny, cold or blockage in the nose and can be frequent sneezing and sore throat, with symptoms. General in the body, such as: a high temperature that can reach 38 degrees Celsius, and can also be accompanied by cracking in the body and general fatigue, and we note that the “cough” is not essential in influenza infection, and This appears after the nose and throat symptoms, while the emerging coronavirus targets cells. The lungs, not the upper respiratory tract.

Dr. Ayman Al-Sayed Salem indicated that the scientific committee to combat the Corona virus recently updated the treatment protocol for the fourth time, and that is the result of understanding the behavior of the virus, since there are many changes compared to the old protocols, since new drugs have been included after the results of global and local studies carried out in the past period. And it included a change in the treatment method, in addition to the definition and classification of infected cases, and also guarantees the speed of treatment that arrives from 7 to 10 days, explaining that the treatment protocol for people with Crown in Egypt consists of in an anti-virus, anti-malaria and antibiotic, as well as drugs to boost immunity. And it is that the treatment protocol differs from one patient to another according to the severity of the infection, noting that the treatment of cold symptoms is always with antibiotics, decongestant tablets and analgesics, as for Covid-19, it adheres to the new treatment protocol established by the Scientific Committee to Combat the Virus.

Salem assured the Egyptians that the new strain of Corona discovered in Britain had not yet reached Egypt.

  • The situation in Egypt

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