New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo (photos and video)


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3 new giraffes arrived at the Giza Zoo on Tuesday night from South Africa.

Dr Mohamed Rajaei, head of the central department of zoos at the General Authority for Veterinary Services, said in a press release to Al-Masry Al-Youm that the three giraffes are two years old and the height of one giraffe is two meters. , explaining that the success of the zoo’s deal to obtain the three giraffes was a miracle. In light of the developments that are taking place in the world due to the spread of Corona and the acceleration of the three giraffes joining the last flight before the decision is issued to close South African airports for fear of the second wave of the Corona virus.

“Rajai” added that the deal was concluded through an exchange system with the Johannesburg Park Zoo in South Africa, in which 3 giraffes will be supplied to join the only giraffe at the Giza Zoo, including a male and 2 females.

The head of the zoos added that it was agreed with South Africa that the three giraffes would be supplied according to the internationally approved trade system for other wild animals, and the zoo is experiencing an increase in their numbers, such as a hippo, a swan, a “bighorn ram”, a Sudanese diver, an abyssinian monkey and a “flamingo” bird. Or “bacharush” and turtles, of which there are large groups in the garden.

Rajaei noted that the Giza Zoo is one of the first parks to have used a number of giraffes throughout its history to satisfy visitors, as the park witnessed the giraffe’s first appearance in 1918, and that until the beginning of 2000, when the total number of giraffes in the Giza zoo reached 8, but all died in 2006 because they could not stand the cold during this period, and the idea of ​​importing new giraffes continued. The garden managed to obtain 3 giraffes in 2009, which are “Suka”, “Yasuo” and “Sonson” except for lack of tolerance to temperature. Cold, the park lost the giraffe “Soka” due to what he suffered in a single accident, and the loss of the male giraffe “Yasu” and the giraffe “Sonson” waited for the new arrival from South Africa to complete the group of giraffes. in the zoo.

He noted that the park managed to get 3 giraffes, and this is a historic event within the Giza Zoo, noting that the recent period has seen a significant increase in hippos and one of the sorts of parrots and white swans.

New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo
New giraffes arrive at the Giza zoo

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