Naguib Sawiris, on the accident through Majesty: “The girl’s family died in the same way.”


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Businessman Naguib Sawiris commented on the accident of the death of a girl traveling in the opposite direction on Al-Jalalah Road on Sunday, saying that she died in the same way as the death of her family.

Naguib Sawiris wrote on Twitter: “The suicide scene of a young woman whose family is said to have died in a car accident that drove her car across the road in Majesty, crashing and dying, unbelievable.”

During the last hours, social media pioneers circulated a video filmed by a citizen of a girl driving her car at speeds of up to 170 kilometers per hour, against the direction of the cars on Al-Jalalah Road.

The cameraman commented: “This is Al-Jalalah Road, and in one, she built cattle in front of the Arab women, a road, walking at a speed of 170 kilometers,” and pointed with the camera at the meter of her car that appeared in a speed of 170 kilometers. “The metro is 170 kilometers.”

He added: “I want to answer the Arabic number and its image, but I do not know if I understand it frankly, in an Arabic that crossed with him, and a light turned towards him while a cattle did not touch his side”, and during a conversation the the girl’s car exploded.

The car driven by the girl appeared during the video while she was walking in the opposite direction, and the girl avoided colliding with two cars and then collided with a large transport vehicle, and her car burned immediately after the collision.

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