Naglaa Badr and Liqaa al-Khamsi .. The attack on artists continues. The answer: Think and read your religion


In a new episode of the series, The Dark Thought Attack on Artists, Najla Badr and the encounter with Al-Khamsi were attacked by some of his followers after their congratulations to Christians on Christmas.

One of Najla Badr’s followers attacked her in a comment on a post written by the artist to congratulate Christians on Christmas. How come you don’t believe people? What religion were you entitled to atonement? Is it Jesus’ birthday? Don’t you believe in religions and messengers?“.


Najla Badr continued: “I read all the divine books, the Torah, the Bible and the Holy Quran. You don’t know anything about the religions, the prophets or the books that I am supposed to believe, so do not talk or comment with ignorance.“.


And the post did not stop at Najla Badr with the first response, but wrote on his account: “The widespread thinking about ignorance of religions, books and messengers is rejected and unacceptable to me. I respect religions, messengers and books.”“.


Naglaa Badr was not the only one who was attacked after congratulating the Coptic brothers. Rather, the artist, upon meeting Al-Khamsi, also faced the same situation after she wrote: “Every year our sisters, our loved ones and our partners are a beautiful and happy country.” .. Be quiet a little .. .. nullify the lack of etiquette, the words, the insult and the expiation, oh human beings .. He is God, and you have a successor on earth!“.


She attacked Al-Khamisi’s encounter with the arrogant, saying: “Anyone who does not like the post immediately leaves my page and I don’t have the truth stuck to me … I am my fellow Christians and I grew up with them and I ate with them live and with salt and I did not dishonor. The whole world is not more than 23% ؜, the rest of the people are all infidels, and I will enter hell and your sovereignty with your words of hate, your hate, your hate and your anger, here you will enter heaven!“.
