My husband is addicted to drugs and denigrates his daughters


« This cut me off, something, and an ice cream in the middle of the street. I took 20 years of permissibility with him, and in the end he destroyed me ”. With those words that carry a lot of pain and heartbreak, the names of the 30-year-old woman began to tell her story with her husband, a pious drug addict. Drugs And how he took more severe revenge on her for having presented a deportation case before the Family Court in the governorate of Alexandria.

The grieving wife tells her story to “Sada Al-Balad” and her cruel journey through her life with her unemployed husband. Asmaa says: “I married my husband Emad through one of my friends after living with her in the Wardan area of ​​Alexandria, and when he saw me, he told my friend that he wanted to marry me and that he would support and support me. it would protect from the betrayal of the world.

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The wife continues: “The marriage took place and we rented an apartment in the Yusra area within Al-Wardan in Alexandria. The first days of marriage went well, and after a month of marriage, the conditions changed and my husband he became another person who insulted me, hit me and assaulted me for and without me, but I was patient with that and I endured“.

The victim added: “My first son, Hanan, who is now 20 years old, then Muhammad, 18 years old, and finally the youngest daughter Rahma, 17 years old, and due to the narrowness of the situation we have become because my husband threw himself from the fifth floor in a residential building, I became the breadwinner of that family. And I work to support and care for the husband, who was bedridden for a long time due to his difficult injury.“.

The wife explains: “After my husband’s recovery, he turned to a fanatic in everything. He attacked me and the girls and threatened to kill them all. He started fighting with us all the time and prevented them from praying, and then he was arrested for a drug case and was imprisoned for 4 years, after which he was released.“.

He continues: “During her incarceration, I was the one who supported the family and worked in a women’s hairdresser, and as a result, I prevented my oldest daughter from going to school with her and her brother so I could do a job and help the family to meet his needs, and we used to go with him all to the prison where he was imprisoned to visit him and spend on his needs inside the prison “.“.

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He added: “After his release, he did not stay in jail until he returned to him again in the case of resistance to the authorities, and he was sentenced to 5 years in prison during that period. I visited him constantly in jail and as of I usually spend on him in his prison cigarettes, food and other things and I deprive myself of things. In exchange for spending on it so that he does not reach out to anyone“.

She emphasized: “After his release from prison on November 25, 2019, he became an unbearable person. He sat at home without a job and also spent on it. When they asked him to go to work, he attacked me and his daughters and constantly threatens us and distorts our reputation for not spending on him. ““.

She added: “At that time I was working inside the house and the women were getting ready to relieve themselves instead of going to the hairdresser, and at that moment he would see the women coming and going to the house and he was sitting in a separate room from them, and when he saw the money he went to another person asking him to buy hashish and develop narcotic pills.“.

She confirmed: “After his conversion and abuse of amounts of drugs, it became a constant fight with us, and he worked for a time in a taxi, but he did not stay long in it and he was left without work, and he always demands money. . I decided to end it and asked for a divorce, but he refused and attacked us again.“.

The wife says: “After Eid Al-Fitr, I went to see a lawyer and asked him to file for divorce, and she explained that he always beat me and assaulted my children, used drugs and gunpowder and made your child will steal to buy you drugs and make you deal with those prohibitions.“.

She added: “As soon as my husband found out about this case, I kicked him out of the apartment because I did not want to continue with him and several neighbors intervened to resolve the dispute because of my desire, but he insulted them and prevented them from intervening, and came to the situation to discredit the girls and attack me again. ” Interval bThey threw him out of the apartment, our eldest son took him away Muhammad, who like him started using drugs and stealing to buy gunpowder, and after 11 and one day his son returned to the apartment, and I didn’t know that he was monitoring me so that his father knew what he was doing and where to go.“.

She added, with tears in her eyes: “On the day of the incident, I was outside the house in the square, and he came from behind me and took my mouth and attacked me with the fold folded on my face on both sides. and my ears and he stabbed me with 6 stabs in the back, and my face with that became 163 points and a stab 3 cm from the heart, and said your death. I am sincere about you

The wife burst into tears and continued saying: “I am a decent woman and the one who works with me like this, I do something and cut it. I do not know that I have left the house since the hour that passed. My daughters are also afraid of their father who at all times threatens to throw water on us, and who has always distorted our reputation and my captivity. In my accident, like her daughters, a fugitive, and the government does not know who will answer her, and I am not working and I deal expensively, and the surveillance cameras photographed me while I was cutting something.“.

This Josie ruined my life after I didn’t think he would be my back so I filled in the names of his speech and added: “I used to think it would be the sunrise and the bond, but the rivet touched his brain and his mind, and his daughters were Muslim from him, and he began to say all the dirty words to them that no right man could say to his daughter or his time. His younger brothers are by my side and his brother himself delivers him to the police station so that he can vent his actions.

The wife confirmed: “After her escape and during my detention in the hospital, she called her daughter’s phone and told her that she would kill us all and said that this is the beginning with your mother, and she always sends threats with people to let it reach us with those words and we are left in a state of terror and never leave the house for fear of him.“.

The victim confirmed: “Two cases were filed against him, the case of insult and defamation with number 13432 of 2020 of the minor crime of Mina Al-Basal, and the second related to the incident of raiding with the fold and cut of my face , which carried the number 14315 of 2020, a minor offense of Mina Al-Basal, which remains locked up until now without any movement.“.

At the end of their conversation, the wife demanded that her fugitive husband be arrested, brought to trial and detained before he commits a crime against her by killing her and her daughters, which has been going around everywhere to distort his reputation and questioning his honor after the drugs licked his brain..
