Murtaza Mansour told the “Minister of Youth”: “There is a role in my case, there is no relationship with me.”


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Councilor Mortada Mansour, president of the “dissolved” Zamalek club, attacked the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, for the decision to exclude him from the presidency of the Zamalek Club and dissolve the council.

Mansour said, in a video broadcast on his personal channel: “I want to tell the Sports Minister, the council of Mortada Mansour, the best and most honorable board that runs the Zamalek club, and everyone knows the reason for the suspension of the advice away from fictitious violations “.

Mansour continued: “His Excellency, the Minister, you too know all the needs and knowledge. There is a document on the subject that has nothing to do with Murtaza Mansour and his council, and the next few days will reveal the silence about him in the middle sports and the quadripartite conspiracy against the Zamalek club “.

Mansour concluded his remarks by saying: “The insurance crisis and the seizure of Zamalek Club accounts and balances is an old movie, and my way of deceiving the players of the first soccer team is that the reason for not paying their fees is to seize the club’s balances. “

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