Murtaza Mansour surprises everyone with a shocking and unexpected statement


Thursday, 12-03-2020
08:57 pm
Mohamed fadl

Mortada Mansour, president of the isolated Zamalek club, unleashed a wave of controversy on the pages of Social Media, after she issued a sudden and unexpected statement, promising to reveal what she described as a conspiracy.
Murtado Mansour wrote on her page, saying: “Tomorrow after Friday’s prayer, Mortada Mansour reveals, with sound and image, the dimensions of the plot and who is behind it.”
The Ministry of Youth and Sports announced that in light of the results of the work of the financial and administrative supervision and inspection committee, which was formed by the Minister of Youth and Sports Resolution No. 434 of 2020 dated September 23, 2020, by specialists from the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Central Audit Organization, with the aim of carrying out their financial and administrative audit work in various sports and youth organizations in various areas. Republic, the Ministry issued Resolution No. 520 of 2020 on November 29, 2020, which included the following:

First: Regarding the Zamalek Sports Club, it was decided:
• Refer the financial infractions mentioned in the report and the infractions it contained to the Public Ministry.
• Suspend and exclude the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club, the Executive Director and the Financial Director from the temporary management of the club’s affairs until the conclusion of the investigations of the Public Ministry and the results derived from it, or until the end of the legal term prescribed by law for the Board of Directors, whichever occurs first.
• Assign the Giza Youth and Sports Directorate, as the competent authority, to oversee the Zamalek Club, form a temporary committee to manage the club’s affairs, elect the one who does the work of the Executive Director and include him on the committee.

Second: Suspend and temporarily exclude the boards of directors of Damietta Sports Clubs, Eastern Sports Club and Cairo Sports Clubs, referring their violations to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and assigning the Youth and Sports Directorates each one in their own jurisdiction to form temporary committees to manage them until the prosecution’s investigations are completed.
