Muhammad Wahba apologizes for continuing to lead Ismaily


Ismaili coach Mohamed Wahba apologized for continuing in his position at the head of the dervishes, due to disagreement with the club’s board of directors headed by engineer Ibrahim Othman, on some issues related to his technical skills in leading the team yellow and the responsibilities it has to achieve the aspirations of the yellow fans, either in the choice of players or in terms of concerns. Football team.

Muhammad Wahba issued a statement confirming:

In the name of Allah the Merciful

Gentlemen, President and members of the Board of Directors of the Ismaili Club

Greetings, respect and later …

I had the honor of assuming the technical responsibility of the club’s first football team in delicate circumstances and difficult and sensitive times for responsibility and duty as one of the sons of the great Ismaili club, and I played my role with all sincerity and to the satisfaction of God, my conscience and my love for the club, which introduced me to the world of football as a player and later as a coach.

Considering that we have not reached a point of common agreement regarding written recruitment, competencies and responsibilities that fulfill the hopes and aspirations of the club and its great loyal fans, I apologize for not continuing, wishing the Ismaili Club success.

The Ismaili Council had decided to assign Wahba to assume technical leadership after there was a tendency to bring in a foreign artistic director, before Wahba apologized for not having full powers in the leadership of the dervishes.
