Muhammad Al-Baz: God loves Nawal Al-Saadawi … and she can be more generous than Abdullah Rushdie and Hatem Al-Hawaini


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Dr. Muhammad al-Baz said that the rejoicing of Muslims over the death of Nawal Al-Saadawi is not one of the customs of Islam, noting that the attack on Nawal came from a group in society that wants to push back the country.

“Al-Baz” added during his “Akher Al-Nahar” program broadcast on the “Al-Nahar” channel, that Hatem Al-Hawaini and Abdullah Rushdie were among the examples who were cursed by the death of “Nawal”, noting that “Abdullah” wrote: “Nawal Al-Saadawi went to meet the god who demanded to change His Quran and criticize his approach.”

She continued: “Today’s scene is revealing, we have a state that elevates the status of women and grants them their rights, and a dark group that wants to deceive society and push it back,” emphasizing that Nawal Al-Saadawi may be the more generous to God with Abdullah Rushdie and Hatem Al-Hawaini.

“Al-Baz” pointed out that Hatem Al-Hawaini and Abdullah Rushdie insult religion and the divine self, because they invade God by talking about the death of Nawal Al-Saadawi, commenting: “How did Abdullah or Hatim God know that he was angry at Nawal?

Muhammad al-Baz said that God loves the writer Nawal Al-Saadawi because she passed away the day the Senate issued a law to toughen the penalty for female circumcision, explaining that female circumcision was one of the issues that Nawal Al- Saadawi tackled hard during his career.

He added that Nawal Al-Saadawi died after a trip to demand the freedom of women, noting that the Egyptian state during the era of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi valued women and gave them their rights, and that is why Nawal Al- Saadawi, our Lord, our struggle ended successfully.

“Al-Baz” indicated that Nawal Al-Saadawi also died on March 21, Egyptian Mother’s and Women’s Day, noting that the rejoicing of Muslims over the death of “Nawal” is not part of the moral of the Islam.

The famous Egyptian writer, Nawal El Saadawi, passed away on Sunday after a fight against the disease at the age of 90.

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