Most of them are Egyptians … Kuwait ends the residency of 200,000 expatriates in the year of Corona


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The Kuwaiti daily “Al-Qabas” revealed that the number of residence permits for expatriates that ended due to the Corona pandemic, due to their presence outside the country, in one year amounted to about 200,000 residents, representing about 20 nationalities. different all over the world.

A security source said that this statistic includes the period from March 10, 2020 to March 15, 2021, indicating that members of the Egyptian community are at the forefront of arrivals whose residences have fallen, followed by the Indian community. , and then the Sri Lankan community.

The source added that expatriates who are outside the country and their residence permits are valid for them to work on renewing them before they expire so that they can enter the country when the airport in front of them opens, noting that the implementation of the La The decision on the expiration of the residence of an expatriate when it exceeds the six-month period is still suspended and will not be executed during the current period, due to the exceptional circumstances that the country and the entire world are going through.

The source pointed out that expatriates whose residency has expired will not be able to enter the country except through their sponsors, obtaining new entry visas for them only from the Corona Emergency Ministerial Committee, noting at the same time that the decision issued by the Council of Ministers to avoid the granting of entry visas of all kinds to all nationalities is still in force.

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