Mortada Mansour: Stop sabotaging Egyptian sports … and I ask the masses not to take to the streets


Mortada Mansour, president of the Zamalek Club, confirmed that he respects the decisions of the courts and arbitrations that are not tainted with corruption, confirming in statements on the Zamalekawi program on the Club Blanco satellite channel, early Sunday morning, that he sent a memorandum to FIFA and the Olympic Committee. International, due to the current suspension crisis.

The Zamalek president explained that it is not corrupt to be detained, explaining: “What is happening is sabotage of Egyptian sport. I will send a memo from FIFA and the International Olympic Committee to inform them that I am the president of the club according to the elections and I got the most votes. “

Murtado Mansour continued: “Amr Al-Ganaini and Hisham Hatab approached external international bodies to intimidate me and Egypt, but I refused to approach FIFA and the International Olympic Committee and file a complaint against Amr Al-Ganaini and Hisham Hatab so that the activity in Egypt does not stop. “

And the president of Castillo Blanco continued: “Whoever takes millions out of his own pocket and budget will achieve a surplus that is not corrupt, and with all that I appeal to the fans of the Zamalek club not to go out on the streets, and I will get my right and the right of the club, whose president I am by law “.

Mansour revealed that the Ultras White Knights group that supports Zamalek supports him in his battle against the Egyptian Olympic Committee, and that he met with some White Knights and advised them not to go outside, preventing any meeting to maintain stability.
