Mortada Mansour Sends New Message To “Angry” Zamalek Fans


09:32 a. M.

Friday 04 December 2020

Books – Omar Qura:

Mortada Mansour, the former president of Zamalek, sent a message to the fans protesting the suspension of the White Board of Directors, stressing that the club would not be part of the chaos in Egypt.

Murtado said, in a statement published on his official page on the social network site “Facebook” in the early hours of Friday: “To the great Zamalekian fans that are demanding to go out on the streets today, Friday, in protest of what happened in the plot against the Zamalek club and its elected and legitimate board of directors. ” .

He added: “This will not benefit our cause. Our cause is just, and the only thing we ask for is justice and the lifting of injustice. We have turned to Almighty God and we only want to listen to ourselves, His Excellency the President of the Republic, if we are right and we do ourselves justice, and if we are wrong, he will judge us. “

And he stressed: “Ultimately, neither Zamalek nor his legitimate president will be part of the chaos in Egypt.”

He concluded: “Today, Friday, my audio and video message will be addressed to His Excellency the President of the Republic. I will narrate to you, with documents, the great conspiracy against one of the largest clubs in Africa and against its president, and I hope his just judgment after God’s judgment, which we only fear is the truth. “

Mortada Mansour announced Thursday that she would uncover what she called a “conspiracy” after Friday prayers, without giving further details (see details).

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Youth and Sports decided to temporarily suspend the board of directors of Castillo Blanco due to financial irregularities, pending the conclusion of the investigations of the Public Ministry and the results of the results, with the appointment of a temporary commission headed by Ahmed Al-Bakri until the completion of the investigations or the date of the next election, whichever comes first.
