Mohamed Salah, the Liverpool star, shares a new photo with his followers on Instagram


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Liverpool striker Mohamed Salah, the English forward, participated in his followers and fans with a new image through his personal account on the Instagram site, hours after he sat at the top of the scorers’ table of the Premier League with 13 goals, and he scored two goals in the last match at Cristal Palace, which Liverpool resolved with seven earned.

Previously, Liverpool striker Mohamed Salah spoke in an interview with the Spanish newspaper “AS” that it is not possible to know what will happen in the future, given the possibility of his transfer to Real Madrid or Barcelona.

And Mohamed Salah, the Liverpool star, confirmed that he hopes to break all records with the Reds in the near future.

And Mohamed Salah, the Liverpool star, continued, in response to his failure to give him the captaincy in the final match of the Champions League group stage, expressing his disappointment at it after awarding it to his colleague Arnold, highlighting his acceptance of the decision of the technician.

Mohamed Salah said that he sees himself among the best players in the world on the European continent, thanks to what Salah has brought with Liverpool in recent years at the local and European level.

The interview of the Spanish newspaper “AS” with the Egyptian star, Mohamed Salah, the Liverpool star, on video

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