Artist Amir Shaheen, brother of star Ilham Shaheen, celebrated his wedding at Menna Jaballah today, about three weeks after the engagement ceremony, in the presence of a large number of his friends from within and outside the art community.
A large number of art stars were eager to attend and congratulate the newlyweds, including King Muhammad Mounir, Najma Yusra, Star Menna Shalaby, Samir Sabry, Laila Alawi, Dalia Al-Behairy, Hana Shiha, Hala Sidqi, Dr. Ashraf Zaki, captain of the acting professions, Hany Ramzy and Hany. Salama, Rania Farid Shawky, Bushra, singer Mohamed El-Sharnoby and media figure Bossi Shalaby.
Amir Shaheen celebrated his engagement on September 11, in the presence of several art stars, including his sister, star Ilham Shaheen, and artists Hala Sidqi and Hana Shiha, in a ceremony held on the North Coast seashore..
Menna Jaballah, Amir Shaheen’s fiancee, works as an editor, and her last job was star Reham Hajjaj’s series “When We Were Young,” which screened in the final season of Ramadan, and was an assistant editor for the film “Forbidden in the Body” by artist Nahed El Sebaei, and graduated from the Higher Institute of Cinema..
Amir Shaheen’s wedding