Minister of Health: increasing the number of people with crowns is the responsibility of citizens


03:16 p.m.

Saturday 09 May 2020

Books – Mohamed Gomaa:

Hala Zayed, Minister of Health, said that the large number of people infected with Coronavirus is the responsibility of the citizens, because the state is making a great effort and providing all its resources and health system among the best systems that faced the virus in the world.

Zayed said, during his meeting with television “Extra News” during his visit to the Alexandria Fever Hospital, this Saturday, that despite the escalation of cases of infection, the number of deaths is constant and decreasing, indicating the provision of medical care for the wounded, “but people must take measures of social separation and isolation.”

The Minister of Health stated that all the Egyptian governorates have PCR teams in 40 analyzes in all hospitals, including two in the Alexandria Fever Hospital that he visits to increase his efficiency to enter 35 febrile hospitals that will be included in health isolation hospitals , in the framework of the plan to coexist with the virus. Noting that the analysis results appear within 12 hours and the performance is better than before.

Zayed indicated that half of the 495 infected people announced yesterday showed no symptoms of HIV infection, and the other half suffered from simple symptoms, noting the lack of commitment of people in contact with health isolation.
