Mido: You have to raise your hat to the state. Zamalek is more important than anyone.


Ahmed Hossam Mido, a former Zamalek star, confirmed that the state wanted to ensure the club’s stability before entering the upcoming African Champions League final by not considering the complaints filed to fire Mortada Mansour, president of the White Castle.

“There is great concern on the part of the state for the stability of Zamalek, and the officials have learned their lesson, and the complaints will not be considered or any decision against the club will be released before the African final,” said Mido, in statements to his program “Awdat Al-Labs” through the channel “Al-Nahar”.

He added: “The dissolution of the boards of directors at an inappropriate time led the Zamalek club into the dark tunnel. The state will not repeat this mistake, and I hope there will be no irregularities at the Zamalek club in light of the judicial inspection that is currently underway. “.

He continued: “Everyone knows that whatever decision is made at this time will greatly affect Zamalek ahead of an important match against Al-Ahly in the final of the African Championship on November 27. The country seeks justice for the two teams in the match”.

He continued: “Mortada Mansour did not triumph in the House elections with Mit Ghamr, and it is natural that there will be a stir, but politics and sport must be separated. The Zamalek club has nothing to do with success or loss of its president in the House of Representatives. “

He explained: “The Zamalek club is more important than any problem that can happen to anyone. The base is the fans that made the club and will continue to be the main support and first line of defense for him, so the results of the elections the Chamber of Deputies have nothing to do with the Zamalek Club “.

Mido said: “State officials and Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, should raise their hat to their enthusiasm for the stability and Zamalek’s support for the football team, and no decision will be made regarding to the club before the final of the African Champions League. “
