Meteorology warns of a new wave of meteorological fluctuations


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Mahmoud Shaheen, Director of the Weather Forecasting Department of the General Meteorological Authority, said that the entire world is experiencing weather fluctuations that have become more severe and violent.

And he continued, during a telephone conversation with journalist Ahmed Moussa on the “On My Responsibility” program, broadcast by the Sada Al-Balad channel, that there is a state of instability in the weather conditions in Egypt for the next 48 hours.

He noted that there are moderate to heavy rains, sometimes thunderstorms, accompanied by some hail in Dabaa, Alexandria, Matrouh and most of the republic on Tuesday, noting that chances of heavy to moderate rains, interspersed with hail, are expected. in some areas of Cairo next Tuesday.

The director of the Meteorological Forecasting Department of the General Meteorological Authority said that there is wind activity during the next two days, but it will be softer than the one that was registered in the country last week, with a temperature two degrees below the half.

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