Meteorology directs 10 tips for citizens during the wave of bad weather


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The Meteorological Authority announced the instability of the climatic conditions and the exposure of the country to a wave of bad weather during Monday and Tuesday, accompanied by rains in some areas of the northern coasts, Lower and Sinai, extending to Cairo, with significant activity wind.

On Monday, the country will be exposed to a drop in temperatures and moderate to heavy rainfall in some areas, which will peak on Tuesday.

The Meteorological Authority provided a series of tips to citizens to face the wave of bad weather to which the country is exposed, the most important being:

Wear heavy winter clothing.

– Do not approach or touch the electric poles in the streets.

Do not participate in any activity freely.

Drive quietly and leave a safe distance between cars.

Guarantee the safety of the car spaces.

It is preferable not to park cars under trees, billboards and advertisements, or sit under them.

Avoid exposure to drafts to avoid colds.

Not being in places with heavy rain, especially when lightning strikes.

– Not be in areas with strong winds.

Stay as far away from trees or billboards as possible to prevent them from falling over.

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