“Meteorology” announces the date of the peak of rainfall in Cairo and Lower Egypt … video


Mahmoud Shaheen, director of the Meteorological Authority’s Weather Forecast Center, said there are great opportunities for rain tomorrow Wednesday, explaining: “Tomorrow Wednesday is the peak of rain in the governorates of Lower Egypt and Cairo.”

Mahmoud Shaheen added, in a telephone interview on the “From Masr” program broadcast on the “CBC” channel, “We are witnessing tomorrow Wednesday. Opportunities for rain on the waterfront and areas of Greater Cairo, with moderate rainfall.

Mahmoud Shaheen continued: “A.A light and medium airport in the northern governorates of Upper Egypt, and we are witnessing a state of instability in Adverbs The weather and rain won’t be thunderous. “

In a related context, he said Mahmoud Shaheen, director of the Meteorological Authority’s Weather Forecasting Department, said that the winter season will officially begin on December 21, and last winter we witnessed a new instability, adding: “This year in the forecast reports seasonal, we cannot expect a need other than 48 hours in advance. “

Shaheen indicated, in previous television communications, that the wave of bad weather will end tomorrow, noting that “tomorrow will be the end of the wave of bad weather and there will be several other details, and the rains will be of moderate intensity in Cairo and abundant on the northern shores. “

The director of the Meteorological Department said that the northern governorates of Upper Egypt, the Gulf of Suez and the north and central Sinai are among the cities most vulnerable to rain, and the closer the city is to the coast of the Red Sea , the greater the chances of rain.
