Messi’s father issued a statement that contradicted all expectations



Messi's father issued a statement that contradicted all expectations


At a time when the Barça fans were awaiting the departure of Argentine Lionel Messi, with a statement confirming his stay at Barcelona, ​​his father Jorge came out with a statement that reflected all expectations.

The father of the Argentine star issued an official statement on Friday in which he denied what was said by the Spanish Football League “LaLiga”, about the alleged penalty clause in the contract “flea” with Barcelona, ​​amounting to 700 million of euros.

Jorge Messi confirmed in his statement: “This is a clear error on your part, and I am referring to Clause No. of the contract signed between the player and the club (this penalty clause does not apply when the player takes his decision to leave as of the end of the 2019-2020 sports season) “.

He concluded: “Without prejudice to the other rights contained in the contract and that have been suppressed, it is evident that the stipulated penal clause does not apply at all.”

La Liga “LaLiga” issued a statement a few days ago, in which it confirmed that Messi’s contract with Barcelona includes a penalty clause of 700 million euros, and stressed that “to terminate the contract, the player must pay the amount of this game “.

Source: Agencies
