Messi refuses to return to training … and the president of Barcelona announces his final position



Messi refuses to return to training ... and the president of Barcelona announces his final position

A report from the Spanish press revealed that Argentine Lionel Messi, star and captain of Barcelona, ​​rejects the idea of ​​returning to training at the Catalan club this week to start preparations for the new football season.

According to the Catalan radio “RAC1”, Messi will not appear tomorrow Sunday at the Sports City of Barcelona to undergo a test for the Corona virus, before returning to training on Monday.

And he added: “Messi is out of Barcelona more than ever after the official fax that sent him to the club’s management, and he takes various other measures such as not attending tomorrow to confirm his decision to leave.”

And several press reports claimed that Messi reached a personal agreement with Manchester City, to work with his former coach Pep Guardiola, and is awaiting the resolution of his legal crisis with the Barcelona administration to officially announce his departure.

On the other hand, the Catalan channel “TV3” revealed that Pep Maria Bartomeu, president of the Barça club, spoke with Jorge Messi, father and agent of Lionel Messi’s business, and told him: “The door is permanently closed when Messi leaves. Barça is not willing to sit at any table to talk. ” By selling it, we are only willing to sit down if the goal is to renew the contract. “

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The news of the departure of Lionel Messi from Barcelona (updated)

The Spanish newspaper “Sport” recently reported that Messi has no intention of waging any legal battle or war with Barcelona, ​​and the player’s lawyer will continue sessions with Barcelona to reach an agreement.

The Argentine star insists on an agreement with the Barça administration on the fly, so that things end in peace, given the strong relationship between the Argentine player and the Catalan club, which lasted for about 20 years.

Source: Agencies
