Messi begins the first steps of the rebellion in Barcelona and misses the Corona exam


Argentine Lionel Messi, the star of the Barça team, did not attend the Crown exam this morning, Sunday, at the Ciudad Deportiva before the start of group exercises on Monday morning, and Argentine star Lionel Messi had told his club Barcelona that he did not go to the headquarters of the sports city, in order to undergo routine medical examinations. The Corona virus was detected before starting the exercises.

According to the Catalan newspaper “Mundo Deportivo”, Lionel Messi implemented his decision not to go to Barcelona’s training sessions, like the rest of his teammates, to start the first round of rebellion against the Catalan team, which threatens to enter a new phase of crisis with the club after the decision to leave in a few days. Past.

The newspaper added that all the Barcelona players went to the Ciudad Deportiva headquarters to undergo a Corona exam, led by Luis Suárez, Ter Stegen, Sergio Busquets, Jordi Alba and Martin Braithwaite.

Dutch coach Ronald Koeman, Barcelona’s new coach, appeared in a luxurious “Bentley” car during his presence at the Ciudad Deportiva in preparation for the start of his training duties with the Blaugrana.



Eat while attending the Barcelona training headquarters
Eat while attending the Barcelona training headquarters

Eat inside your car
Eat inside your car

