Media journalist Saif Zaher was infected with the Corona virus and placed in home isolation


The journalist Saif Zahir was confirmed to be infected with the Coronavirus after he underwent a positive smear, after feeling some symptoms of the virus recently, so his doctor decided to isolate him at home while he underwent the protocol of the Ministry of Health to recover from this epidemic.

Egyptian soccer stars and celebrities have been infected with the Corona virus recently, for the Al-Ahly club, there are 4 cases of Corona virus in their ranks, represented by the trio Amr Al-Soulia, Mohamed Magdy Qafsha and Rami Rabia as well like coach Pitso Musimani, and Zamalek also has 4 injuries, two players are Mahmoud Alaa and Tariq Hamed, as well as Ibrahim Zaree, the team principal, and Muhammad Al-Shishtawy, one of the medical staff members.

On the other hand, the Egyptian Olympic Committee, headed by Hisham Hatab, issued a statement on the suspension of the holding of tournaments in covered corridors to combat the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, and the text of the Olympic Committee statement was as follows: –

In reference to the high rates of contagion with the Coronavirus based on the reports recently announced by the Egyptian Ministry of Health, and in reference to the decision of the Prime Minister to avoid meetings, weddings and the funeral tent in closed rooms, and after reviewing the codes of the Ministry of Youth and Sports organizing to resume sports activity in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic.

The Egyptian Olympic Committee decided the following:

Suspend the performance of all tournaments that take place in closed rooms from their date, and the holding of tournaments is allowed in the event that the association responsible for the game takes all precautionary measures and uses the closed capsule system, which stipulates that all teams participating in the tournament must be located in a hotel during the entire tournament period and make the necessary wipes for all of them. Periodically, to reduce the chances of spreading the virus, under the supervision and monitoring of the President of the Federation Medical Committee, the report is officially approved by His Excellency and the President of the Federation.

The tournament will not take place unless the federation medical committee approves the precautionary measures. And the medical committee of the Egyptian Olympic Committee, determining the venue of the tournament, the place of residence of the players, the means of transportation to and from the place of residence and the place of competition..

The Federation undertakes to deliver the results of the swabs to all participants in the event, including players, technical and administrative bodies, referees, etc. As long as the swabs are done through approved agencies and no one can enter the competition site without the swab results..

Suspend the establishment of any sports team or camp meeting except in the case of taking all precautionary measures and using the closed capsule system for players residing in the camp or rally. Maintaining the periodic swab system) the periodicity of the swabs is determined by the Federation Medical Committee and the Olympic Committee Medical Committee..

The Egyptian Olympic Committee and its Medical Committee request all sports federations and teams to follow the instructions to ensure the safety of all our athletes until the end of this pandemic. .
