“Masrawy” answers Abu Al-Maati Zaki’s question while with “Ramez Majn


10:22 p.m.

Wednesday May 13, 2020

I wrote- Amira Helmy

Sports critic Abu Al-Maati Zaki has been a victim of episode 20 of the “Ramez Majnoon Rasmi” program presented by the artist, Ramez Jalal.

During the preparatory paragraph before entering the studio, “Ramez” scoffed at “Abu Al-Maati’s” request for makeup, and one of the show’s team members (Makeup Artist) entered the guest room for makeup. , to ask her to hide dark circles under her eyes, asking How to get rid of those auras, she responds: “By drinking too much water and putting a cucumber mask under the eyes,” she asked again, “No creams?” Ramez never missed the opportunity without sarcastically commenting.

Here, we try to give the answer to the sports critic and other people who suffer from dark circles under the eye.

Before looking for a treatment for dark circles, its causes should be identified, which can be the lack of hours of sleep, a genetic factor, the excessive production of melanin, the reaction of the skin to sun exposure or even excessive intake. of salt.

Determining the underlying cause of the appearance of dark circles is the first step in solving this common problem, as it helps to adopt the right treatment and makes it easier to eliminate once and for all.

The Federal Center for Health Education in Germany says dark circles are usually due to simple reasons like lack of sleep and lack of fluids in the body, but they can also warn about iron deficiency in the body or diseases of the kidneys, liver or thyroid gland, so you should consult a doctor to determine the real reason behind the appearance of Black auras despite getting enough sleep and drinking enough fluid.

How can you get rid of dark circles?

Adopting a balanced life system:

The balanced life system is mainly reflected in the skin around the eyes, making it necessary to sleep at a regular time for 8 hours a day. This is in addition to the adoption of a balanced diet rich in elements necessary for the health of the skin and the body, which contribute to preserving the skin and preventing the appearance of dark circles.

Add to that the consumption of foods rich in beta-carotene (carrots, yellow watermelon, spinach, apricots, sweet potatoes, colored pepper …) They are rich in antioxidants that are very useful to strengthen sensitive skin and eliminate dark circles.

In addition to a balanced lifestyle, here are the natural ways to get rid of dark circles quickly:

– Cold tea bags

Put tea bags in the refrigerator overnight and use them later.

Replace them with new bags every 10-15 minutes until they are permanently removed.

Tomato holder

Homemade tomato paste mixed with lemon juice and turmeric, then placed in dark circles for 10-20 minutes, then washed with water. Wear this mask two or three times a week.

Orange and glycerin mask

Mix the orange juice with glycerin, place the mixture in dark circles under the eyes, leave it for 10-20 minutes and then wash it off with water.

– Almonds oil

Paint the oil in dark circles and leave it on overnight.

Use it for a month.

– Cucumber / potato slices

Cucumber slices or potatoes are placed in auras for 15-20 minutes, then they wash their eyes with warm water.

– Mint leaves

Grind the mint leaves and apply to the auras for 5-15 minutes, then wash your eyes with cold water.
