Majority Leader of the Secretary of State: We do not accept the attack by Congress. We don’t have the term “political prisoner.”


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Representative Ashraf Rashad, Majority Leader in the House of Representatives, said: “Egypt has a history in every country in the world, and there is an important note and message that must be addressed through the House of Representatives, and the Minister Sameh Shoukry is in charge of this file and expresses it abroad on our behalf as deputies. Every day we find some messages from members The parliaments of other countries, and the Congress in particular, are related to interference in the Egyptian affair. it is no longer acceptable to trade on some political terms, such as detention, etc.

Addressing his speech to the Minister of Foreign Affairs during the plenary session on Tuesday, he added: “This is a point purely related to internal affairs. Let them take care of their affairs. Their internal affairs have nothing to do with the affairs of others. countries. “

He stressed: First of all, we do not have the term political prisoner, as it is used only to exchange data, which is a rejected word.

He continued: We have a prestigious institution called Egyptian Judicial, which has its roots in history, above the levels of suspicion, and has the ability to achieve justice, and subjects it to legal procedures, and everyone is free to defend themselves. throughout. stages of investigation with full integrity.

And he said: It is no longer acceptable, after all the achievements, political freedom, democracy and the representation of all political currents in Egypt, for some to speak out against us with words that do not exist on the ground, and my words specifically for members of Congress and all members who try to interfere in our affairs.

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