Maha Ahmad crying: “Private, I touched my son and I was destroyed when I read Aad’s words


6:38 pm

Sunday 18 October 2020

I wrote – Mona Al-Moji:

Actress Maha Ahmed commented on the post of her son Adel, which he published through his personal account on the website “Instagram”, revealing that he was in poor psychological and health condition, in a telephone interview he made yesterday Saturday the night, with the program “nine o’clock”, presented by the journalist Wael Al-Ibrashi on television. Egyptian.

Maha said: “I was surprised, like all people, when I read what Adel wrote, because I am in the room next to him at home, and I follow him well in treatment and in everything, and I feel everything that happens because I also went through the same things, the same tremors, the inability to write and the shaky nerves. The recent period witnessed our exposure to a lot of strange things, and thank goodness for everything. “

“The story began that I asked Magdy to walk along the coast, after a long time we were at home because of Corona, fearing for our son Ahmed, for his special health conditions, and the first time I went out I suffered a major accident , which is the first scare Adel receives, since he was with me at the time of the accident. On the phone he heard my crying, and after that he separated from a girl with whom he had a love affair, and we stayed by his side, and then he was surprised by the death of his YouTuber friend Hefnaoui, and we met him shortly before from his death, all these shocks and suddenly our house collapsed for no known reason, as if we were starting our life over. Our whole life is gone and we are sitting on the tiles. “

Maha said that before her return to Cairo and while on the coast, she asked Adel to go to sea, and while they were in the water, a strong wave came that pushed her to the far right and went with him towards the extreme left, indicating that he could not swim, adding: “I did not know he was dead.”

Maha revealed that she also went through a serious illness, a while ago, and was unable to stand up, and abstained from eating, due to loss of appetite, with severe swelling in her chest, and I thank God the matter did not go away. It was due to the “Corona” virus, and the infection passed to her husband. Artist Magdy Kamel, she says. Noting that Magdy is the one who deals with her son Ahmed – who has special abilities – and deals with everything related to medicine, and no one deals with Ahmed other than him, to make sure that he is not exposed to any infection, due to his weak immunity.

Maha indicated that Adel had a fever, and could no longer move, and his nerves were also trembling, and he could not handle anything, and his psychological state was bad and he did not respond to medication, explaining: “The doctor said that a psychological state and the role of a severe cold with all the events that happened “. Whatever happens, we would just sit and the chandeliers would knock down something strange in shape, thank our Lord, that there are walls that will see us as Magdy says, we are the ones who take the money.

Going back to Adel’s post, she said: “Adel is a sportsman, and suddenly he found the world spinning 180 degrees. I was shocked myself and my grandfather was shocked by whoever wrote it, and he’s the type of I’m not going to complain. Suddenly I got up with one voice and fought because I knew him, he couldn’t stand up. “

She continued crying: “I was devastated when people told me and read the post about it. I used to say that there is no eye and there is no envy, but I believed that it is there. My sick son is enough to spend months myself, I take him on my lap, I don’t know, I’m afraid a virus will bring him because his immunity is weak. ” I touch it months of the days of the Crown, and after we keep it I am tired and tired that I am afraid to go to it, afraid to touch it and sleep next to it, standing at the bedroom door to feel that I am there, life It has taken a 180 degree turn, in which envy and envy is difficult and strong and I do not know the envy of what, thank God for everything. “.

Just 3 days ago, Adel had written a long post, in which he revealed that he was in a poor psychological and health state, and said the following: “I am writing this speech, and my hand is shaking and I am really tired and incapable , and I don’t know what I have, and I don’t know how to talk to someone because I don’t want to. I’ll let someone worry me, but I’ll write the words that I want to write because I don’t know what’s going on or what’s going to happen. My life is horrible and he said it 4 months from day 6-15 to today 10-15.

He continued: “The four months are countries that are the most brutal, the four months are a supreme enemy in my life. Since the day the world came, because I had needs in them, I was sore and tired, and it affected my soul. My siblings may not be close to each other, but just chatting or seeing some, we still know some from the nursery.

Adel added: “After our house, when everything was drowned, and until now, we don’t know how he drowned or what happened, but praise God for everything. Until now, the house is still not bad, and the last thing has remained just for 3 days. I’m very tired all of a sudden, and I’m tired, it’s not normal and I don’t know. I have uh, and the doctors don’t know that I have uh, I took all the meds, took an injection, slept well, had enough and did of everything, but I did not have any improvement, I am afraid of what is coming and I do not know what will happen.

Adel continued in his lengthy post: “If something had happened, I would have written all the things I wanted, and I would feel comfortable doing it, and just because you would know that laughing, yelling, going out and being trapped is not real life. Real life is what I have told now, nobody knows. ” What’s going on in him and not with you, huh, everyone? I see you in photos and videos that are not real. The important thing is that our Lord hides what is coming and infects a good one, God willing, because this time I really felt death. If you return to the good of life, you will change completely in every need, even in images. And the videos, sorry for being so long, oh Lord you are the healer.
