“Ma’ak Net, and I do not renew the package for you.”


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The counselor Mortada Mansour, president of the suspended Zamalek club, highlighted the work of a video to respond to the statement of the temporary management committee of the Zamalek club on its pages on social networks, the text of which is: “Shortly after, with sound and image, Counselor Mortada Mansour’s response to the committee’s statement, ”and it was published around five in the morning. December 13th.

And many of the pioneers of Chancellor Mortada Mansour’s pages on social networks expressed their concern about the passage of time and the lack of visualization of the video in the comments of the notice, among them: “Achieved”, “After a while, ¿ what is my nation exactly one month? “, and” Maak Net and I will not renew you. The internet package “, and” like this after a long time, not after a while “and” if I don’t have the price of the package with you, we say “,” I mean you after a week, not a little later “and” The video that happened, and it is preferable to download it a week “and” I understand while you are. I am not ready to respond by telling her a month before her. “, And” What do you want to announce again about something before you are ready? “,” Are you shortly after having exactly how many centuries? “,” Are you today, how many hours? “And” I charge the package or what is the world is good ”, and“ After a while, like last time, and we won’t make it too hard !! ”and“ I mean, next week and s like me now! ”.

Many expressed their support for Advisor Mortada Mansour, former president of the Zamalek Club, “By God Almighty, I eagerly await your honor. Uh … we will support you and we stand behind you. “Our hearts go out to you, Mr. Counselor.

Several commenters expressed their opinion on the importance of the legal path, “The most important need for the court to rule the return of the council, this is important because most of the fans of the Zamalek club want you to return”, and “Take a legal position better than nothing … Elvis’s words are not Jewish or late … Our Lord With you. “

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