Look … Mbappé plays against Messi and two Barcelona players in the blink of an eye


Look ... Mbappé plays against Messi and two Barcelona players in the blink of an eye

French star Kylian Mbappé continues with words of praise, following his brilliance in the match between Paris Saint-Germain and host Barcelona in the middle of this week, as part of the first leg of the Champions League final.

The 22-year-old was the star of that game, scoring a historic hat-trick against Barcelona, ​​which led the Parisian team to victory, 4-1.

In recent days, world media celebrated the French star’s brilliance, and some social media leaders posted a video of Mbappé dodging Barcelona’s Argentine star Lionel Messi during his last match in the Liga de Champions.

Mbappé appeared competing for the ball with Messi in midfield, before the French star managed to dodge the “flea”, and then ditch two other players, on his way to put together a quick counterattack for St. Germain.

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The video won the admiration of football fans, and some of them bet that Mbappé is the one who will carry the torch of world football after the end of the Messi era, and his Portuguese rival, Cristiano Ronaldo, who took turns to be crowned. the best player in the world in the last 13 years.

Source: RT
