Look … An old video of Fifi Abdo raises questions about her health


Superstar Fifi Abdo raised a lot of questions about her health after announcing a while ago that she was receiving treatment during her last period and lying at home, and a video of a star was posted on her official Instagram page during the last hours. , and she talks to her audience and says the words that the audience is used to, which is “tomorrow.” Phil Aliku Yakhattat Yaasalat of Egypt, the mother of the world “.

It is noteworthy that Fifi Abdo reassured her followers through her account on the Instagram website about her state of health, after she asked her followers to pray for her during the recent period due to her illness, and published a audio recording in which he denied all the reports about what was said about his illness, and said that he only suffers from back pain. She is being treated inside her home, contrary to the rumors that are being sent about her health.

Fifi added, at the same time, that at one point he could not walk on his feet and said: “It is forbidden for people to write about patients who are familiar with many rumors.”

It is noteworthy that Fifi Abdo revealed a few days ago that she was currently going through a health crisis without mentioning details, and appeared in a video on her Instagram account, dressed in black clothes and sunglasses, and saying: “He loved me very much and he called me because I’m a betrayal and he was hiding you. I am adultery. And every day, I am in our Lord, He withdraws from me, and I look at you and see you. “

She continued at that time: “Pray to me if I continue to be good and I need your prayers, and God willing, our Lord will grant me who I am … I love you or I want you to be the happiest people in the world, and your love is what that will make me get up from what I am and bring me back to someone better than the first “. Urgent and interact with them again as usual.
