Look … an argument between an Egyptian MP and a doctor linking the prosecutor


Source: Cairo – Ashraf Abdel Hamid

A rapidly developing altercation between an Egyptian parliamentarian and doctors at a hospital in the northern Dakahlia governorate escalated to parliament and the prosecutor, ending with a statement strongly drafted by the Medical Union.

The start was on Saturday night, when Elhami Ajinah, a member of the Egyptian Parliament of the Dakahlia Governorate, went to follow up on the health of a familiar patient, who had been hospitalized for treatment, and a discussion broke out between he and the hospital doctors, and the two sides exchanged the video with the incident.

Failure, waste, humiliation, aggression?

At that time, he accused the mass of the hospital administration and doctors of failing and wasting public money, while the hospital administration accused the deputy of insulting and assaulting them, and they raised the matter with the undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Dakahlia and the Union of Physicians.

In turn, the hospital administration revealed the details of the incident in a statement and said that at approximately six o’clock on Saturday afternoon, Deputy Ilhami Ajinah arrived at the hospital, and the alternate director and deputy director were there and the hospital director arrived.

He added that the deputy came to follow up on a case that was in the Al-Batiniya department of the city of Belqas, and that the medical staff was preparing to carry out a CT scan.

The information also followed that the deputy attacked the hospital’s medical team and published a video in which he accused the hospital administration of false accusations, including the lack of doctors and nurses, or pharmacists, pointing out that the blood bank was closed for lack of hygiene, and noted that everything that came in the video is true

She said: “We hope, as a medical team at Sherbin Hospital, and in light of the difficult circumstances facing the country in general and the medical teams in particular, that the deputy receives support, rather than accusing doctors of failure and lack of responsibility. “

Official note

While the deputy responded to his statements, confirming his insistence on presenting an official memorandum to the Ministry of Health and Parliament.

He also stated in a special statement to Al-Arabiya.net that he visited the hospital after receiving a distress call from a citizen, whose father is in the hospital and is totally abandoned.

He added that he went to the hospital to follow the case and confirmed for himself that there was indeed negligence, beginning with the absence of doctors and other administrative matters that he will reveal in his memorandum that he will present to the Ministry of Health, as he expressed it.

For that, Dr. Ihab Al-Taher, Secretary General of the Medical Union, assured Al-Arabiya.net that the Union will coordinate with the branch of the Dakahlia Doctors Union to take all necessary legal measures against a member of the Chamber. of Representatives, either by submitting a communication to the Public Prosecutor and presenting an official memorandum to the House of Representatives.

Election propaganda

While the union issued an official statement confirming that “a member of the House of Representatives’ Inspiration Mass broke into Sherbin Hospital in the company of a group of individuals, brought them with him for electoral propaganda purposes, and verbally violated the The medical team intimidated and incited them with premeditation, and also violated the sanctity of the patients and photographed medical files, accusing the deputy of disturbing the public peace, causing alarm among hospital staff, violating infection control rules and the decisions of the Minister of Health and the World Health Organization to combat the Corona virus.

While the union viewed the MP’s posting of the video on its Facebook page as an attempt to smear and incite doctors, thanking white crew members who insisted on preserving their dignity, the dignity of their patients and the privacy that the MP violated, as she put it.
