Liverpool prepares to crown the 2020 English Premier League season


Press reports revealed that the Liverpool team will be crowned with the English Premier League title this season in case of cancellation after the suspension of football activity after the spread of the dangerous Corona virus..

League League clubs had announced the extension of the postponement of Premier League matches until next April 30, and the start of competitions is expected to be postponed again, in light of the current Corona virus crisis.

The British newspaper “Daily Mail” stated that if the English Football Association decided not to complete the league this season, Liverpool will be crowned Premier League champion for the 20/29 season, following the decision of the European Union “UEFA”, allowing local federations to cancel leagues in case the league cannot be completed due to Corona Virus Outbreak.

The newspaper noted that the summary of the European Union meeting made it clear that the league will not be canceled in any country, except if the government issued an order to do so or if the continuation will resolve economic problems, and if the league is difficult. to complete, there is a proposal to complete the playoff system.

The newspaper referred to the previous talk by the President of the European Union, Alexander Schwerin, in which he said that the Premier League title should be awarded to Liverpool if it is canceled.

Liverpool needs only 6 points from the remaining 9 games in the competition, without looking at the results of the opposing team, Manchester City.
