Leela Koura Football Association: We are looking at how to restore the youth team


Gamal Mohamed Ali, deputy director of the temporary committee in charge of the administration of the Egyptian Football Association, confirmed that the Football Association is discussing with Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, possible ways to return the youth team to Egypt, then that 17 players were infected with the Corona virus.

The media coordinator of the Egyptian youth team had issued a statement and confirmed the mission’s request to undergo an immediate medical examination to detect the Corona virus in another laboratory, and asked the Egyptian ambassador in Tunisia to intervene after announcing that 17 players they had been infected with the virus.

“We are communicating with Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Sports, to discuss how to return the mission of the Tunisian youth team,” said Jamal Muhammad Ali in exclusive remarks to Lilacoura.

He added: “Tunisian laws stipulate that those infected with the coronavirus must remain in isolation for 14 days.

Gamal Mohamed Ali completed his remarks by saying: “We are looking for any solution to return to Egypt by private plane or any other solution.”

Omar Rabi` Yassin had written minutes ago and announced that his father, the coach of the youth team, was infected with the Corona virus, after the swab was positive.

The youth team is preparing to compete in the North African Championships, to be held in Tunisia from December 15 to 28, and qualify for the 2021 African Cup of Nations in Mauritania.

It is worth noting that the youth team is preparing to face Libya in the opening of their tournament.
